Yeah, i guess my plan to be out of my tent before the end of february didn't work out so well.
Yesterday i worked with Derr at the airport. I tried to hussle but was a bit worried. No valid ID, soliciting at the airport... not good to get caught.
Well I earned my day's work and got a 3 groups of people.
Last night i was at DD talking to the guys and was charging my phone and then forgot about it. Went to BK and stayed there until 10:30PM. Pauly was there so we talked for a bit. I hit Craig by mistake playing around with him, it was a ketchup packet and it hit his face. He was pissed and i knew he'd retaliate so i took it like a man. He used a miniature milk container and i got milk all over my face. Mark was surprised and didn't know what was happening but i immediately said that it was ok.
Soon after we were all laughing about it so me and Craig are fine.
When i got to the tent i realized my phone was missing and i backtracked trying to figure where i had dropped it. When i got to DD (which was closed when i got there) i realized i had left it inside.
This morning I went back and they had my phone and charger, lucky me.
Yesterday i told Derr i couldn't work today because i was going to help someone else. I'm sellling my other laptop to one of the security guards at the library so that i could recover a bit from the purchase of the new one. I paid $450 for it last year, i'm selling to him for $250. He was supposed to be here at 3PM but called saying his car battery is dead and may not make it.
I hope he makes it, i really need that cash, i spent hundreds trying to get my driver's license and my savings have gone down faster than i could afford.
Well, meanwhile i 've been watching some movies at the library, they have a decent DVD collection.
Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood, which i saw years ago, still great. Toshiro Mifune is a classic japanese actor, the best in my opinion.
Steamboy is a decent Anime, i thought the story could have been presented a bit better but it was ok. Of course i saw it with subtitles, best way there is.
Today i'm watching David Lean's Brief Encounter which is a b&w movie from 1946, restored and part of the Criterion Collection. So far i like it very much, the drama is well portrayed.
That's all for today.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Vatta's War comes to an end!
Well, you probably have no idea what the subject refers to so i will explain. Elizabeth Moon wrote a 5 book series, you can find them listed at my Good Reads account at
Well, here is the funny part. I read the first book and then by mistake read the 4th book next and didn't realize it (even though i got a bit confused as i went past half that book) until it was too late.
So, i read the books in this sequence: 1,4,2,3,5!
Duane didn't understand why after reading the 4th book i didn't just go to the last one. I'm just the kind of reader that wants the whole story. Thus i read the 2 books i had mistakenly skipped to fill in some stuff i didn'd understand in the 4th book and then today i finished the 5th (which i had started reading yesterday).
If you like action, adventure, mystery, drama, espionage, sci fi and a bit of humor then Vatta's War is the right series of books you may want to check out.
The books improved my weekend. Yesterday after the library closed at 5PM i was going to the nearby McDonalds (one i found even closer than the one i usually go to) to use their wifi when i spotted the bus to donate blood.
I figured enough time had passed since i had given blood last, so i locked my bike and went inside. No tshirt this time, but i did get a movie ticket and a very flirty nurse, heh.
Not wanting to wait, i went to the movie teather which was around the corner and decided to go see "Atonement" and it was excellent. No wonder it's up for a few academy awards. I highly recommend it, it's a good romantic movie from WW2.
I had a misunderstanding with a good friend, but all seems to be cool now, no need to mention a name, but much love to my dear friend =D
My friend Liz, who i recently got back in touch with has had some health problem and i'm worried for her.
There are times when i hate the situation i'm in, not because of me, but because i can't help friends when i want to.
I can only ask god to help my friends right now, in time i will once again be able to reach out in person and give someone a hand.
Derr is not back still. Yeah, i'm worried and my right hand is recovering faster still but i'll be wearing the splint for a bit longer.
I've spent the day at the library, and watched 2 Anime DVD's they had. "Patlabor: The Movie" and "Patlabor 2: The Movie". It was entertaining, even though one was almost 20 years old (from 1989).
I will make another post to explain a rekindled friendship which will lead me to share the history of my marriage. But not today.
Today i start reading "From the Corner of his Eye" by Dean Koontz, a book recommended to me by Duane. It's a suspense thriller, a book genre which i have (to my recollection) never tried.
That's all for now.
Well, here is the funny part. I read the first book and then by mistake read the 4th book next and didn't realize it (even though i got a bit confused as i went past half that book) until it was too late.
So, i read the books in this sequence: 1,4,2,3,5!
Duane didn't understand why after reading the 4th book i didn't just go to the last one. I'm just the kind of reader that wants the whole story. Thus i read the 2 books i had mistakenly skipped to fill in some stuff i didn'd understand in the 4th book and then today i finished the 5th (which i had started reading yesterday).
If you like action, adventure, mystery, drama, espionage, sci fi and a bit of humor then Vatta's War is the right series of books you may want to check out.
The books improved my weekend. Yesterday after the library closed at 5PM i was going to the nearby McDonalds (one i found even closer than the one i usually go to) to use their wifi when i spotted the bus to donate blood.
I figured enough time had passed since i had given blood last, so i locked my bike and went inside. No tshirt this time, but i did get a movie ticket and a very flirty nurse, heh.
Not wanting to wait, i went to the movie teather which was around the corner and decided to go see "Atonement" and it was excellent. No wonder it's up for a few academy awards. I highly recommend it, it's a good romantic movie from WW2.
I had a misunderstanding with a good friend, but all seems to be cool now, no need to mention a name, but much love to my dear friend =D
My friend Liz, who i recently got back in touch with has had some health problem and i'm worried for her.
There are times when i hate the situation i'm in, not because of me, but because i can't help friends when i want to.
I can only ask god to help my friends right now, in time i will once again be able to reach out in person and give someone a hand.
Derr is not back still. Yeah, i'm worried and my right hand is recovering faster still but i'll be wearing the splint for a bit longer.
I've spent the day at the library, and watched 2 Anime DVD's they had. "Patlabor: The Movie" and "Patlabor 2: The Movie". It was entertaining, even though one was almost 20 years old (from 1989).
I will make another post to explain a rekindled friendship which will lead me to share the history of my marriage. But not today.
Today i start reading "From the Corner of his Eye" by Dean Koontz, a book recommended to me by Duane. It's a suspense thriller, a book genre which i have (to my recollection) never tried.
That's all for now.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Plan B and Miami!
Yes my friends, plan B is in motion.
I left BK at 7:30AM and got back at 6PM. Long day would be an understatement.
The short story:
Breakfast at BK.
Ride to Tri Rail Station, ride on train to Miami Airport with bike.
Ride on bike and get lost after crossing a bridge, turn around and realized i just went 14 miles the wrong way (ouch).
Arrived at the Peruvian Consulate at noon.
30 minutes just translating spanish to english in my head so i fill the proper forms to get the DNI and Passport.
Paperwork is filed and i'm told that it will be ready in 4-6 weeks and to check their website since i'm supposed to pick it up.
I pay the related fees and my head becomes a calculator and i've spent about $250 this week and i haven't made a cent since Derr left.
Concern begins to set in as i'm leaving the building.
Got lost again on the way back to Tri-Rail Sation, wasted more time.
Found a Metro Station that does connect with Tri-Rail in 2 stops. I take that route since i really don't want to remain in the area (which was a bit seedy).
Ok that was the short story. I did take pics.

It was good graffitti so i had to take some pics, unfortunately it seems i didn't step back far enough, there was more to it.

This is the peruvian flag at the building where the consulate is located.

Miami, yup.

Here is wafter i realized that i had gone the wrong way. The pics are from the bridge i had to ride, twice over.

Here i'm smiling because i thought i was going the right way (on the bridge) thinking i was making good time.

Well at least the pics i took from the bridge was nice. Now if i'm lucky i'll have my driver's license in a bit over a month.
Here is the equation.
Passport = Marriage Certificate.
Marriage Certificate + Passport = Driver's License and City ID.
It's a process, but it works. Today I'm at the library and Duane finds me and i get a book for him (he doesn't have a library card). I check my emails and reply to some, and just archive most as usual. At 2PM they announce the movie "Dreamgirls" is going to be shown at the meeting room and we both decide to see it. It was a good movie, Duane didn't like it because there was too much singing.
It was a musical, i make no comment, he's my friend.
I shaved my goatee today, no really, i did.

Hopefully i don't look too bad. Someone said earlier today if i shaved it i would look younger, i disagreed so i want to make my point next time i see her.
That's all for today guys. Have a great weekend and don't get in trouble, any of you =P
I left BK at 7:30AM and got back at 6PM. Long day would be an understatement.
The short story:
Breakfast at BK.
Ride to Tri Rail Station, ride on train to Miami Airport with bike.
Ride on bike and get lost after crossing a bridge, turn around and realized i just went 14 miles the wrong way (ouch).
Arrived at the Peruvian Consulate at noon.
30 minutes just translating spanish to english in my head so i fill the proper forms to get the DNI and Passport.
Paperwork is filed and i'm told that it will be ready in 4-6 weeks and to check their website since i'm supposed to pick it up.
I pay the related fees and my head becomes a calculator and i've spent about $250 this week and i haven't made a cent since Derr left.
Concern begins to set in as i'm leaving the building.
Got lost again on the way back to Tri-Rail Sation, wasted more time.
Found a Metro Station that does connect with Tri-Rail in 2 stops. I take that route since i really don't want to remain in the area (which was a bit seedy).
Ok that was the short story. I did take pics.

It was good graffitti so i had to take some pics, unfortunately it seems i didn't step back far enough, there was more to it.

This is the peruvian flag at the building where the consulate is located.

Miami, yup.

Here is wafter i realized that i had gone the wrong way. The pics are from the bridge i had to ride, twice over.

Here i'm smiling because i thought i was going the right way (on the bridge) thinking i was making good time.

Well at least the pics i took from the bridge was nice. Now if i'm lucky i'll have my driver's license in a bit over a month.
Here is the equation.
Passport = Marriage Certificate.
Marriage Certificate + Passport = Driver's License and City ID.
It's a process, but it works. Today I'm at the library and Duane finds me and i get a book for him (he doesn't have a library card). I check my emails and reply to some, and just archive most as usual. At 2PM they announce the movie "Dreamgirls" is going to be shown at the meeting room and we both decide to see it. It was a good movie, Duane didn't like it because there was too much singing.
It was a musical, i make no comment, he's my friend.
I shaved my goatee today, no really, i did.

Hopefully i don't look too bad. Someone said earlier today if i shaved it i would look younger, i disagreed so i want to make my point next time i see her.
That's all for today guys. Have a great weekend and don't get in trouble, any of you =P
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Driver License, denied!.. Plan B
Ok, so yesterday (tuesday) Duane drives me to the Broward Courthouse to pay my 2003 traffic ticket and my Driver's License reinstatment fee.
Even though they are supposed to ask me for 2 valid ID's, they don't and i pay $144.50 for everything including late fees.
Then we go to the DMV and try to get my license since the suspension was lifted and the clerk at the court stated that my license was now clear, just expired.
So we're there and i'm asked "are you an american?", so i reply no, of course. Then they ask for 2 valid ID's, i didn't have them so that ended that.
Later that day i tried to see if i could renew my license online at the library, however the site tells me in the middle of the process that i need to go to the local DMV office.
I go back to my tent and call Derr to inform him. He gives me the phone number for the Florida Department of Safety and Motor Vehicles to see if there was a way i could get valid ID's.
There was. They would accept a marriage certificate and a passport as valid ID's.
I head to BK and relax there until 10PM, i call it a night early and head back to my camp. Sleeping was difficult with the splint. I woke up 5-6 times due to that and some late night work being done at the turnpike.
Wednesday morning me and Duane do our laundry together which saves me from riding there. In between he tells me that Herb (another homeless dude) who knows lawyers said that being married 11yrs with a marriage certificate i can go to immigration and legally stay here.
Well i'd have to consult a lawyer on that. I ride to the library and get here at 1:30PM.
I begin doing research to see if i could order a copy of my marriage certificate online and have it sent to an address where Derr has an office. Unfortunately, NYC doesn't do that online, it requires such a request to be done through mail. They require a valid ID to get it.
Boom, another dead end.
My plan now is to get to downtown miami where the peruvian consultate is located. I can get my passport, however from what i read at the website things can end in 2 ways. They either give me the passport the same day, or they will mail it to me in 4-6 weeks.
In either case, with the Passport i can get my marriage certificate. Then with both i can get my driver's license.
So, as you can see it's a massive juggle act which i think will continue to cost me money. At this rate i won't have enough to get a place. So yes, i'm worried.
Well, that's all for now.
Even though they are supposed to ask me for 2 valid ID's, they don't and i pay $144.50 for everything including late fees.
Then we go to the DMV and try to get my license since the suspension was lifted and the clerk at the court stated that my license was now clear, just expired.
So we're there and i'm asked "are you an american?", so i reply no, of course. Then they ask for 2 valid ID's, i didn't have them so that ended that.
Later that day i tried to see if i could renew my license online at the library, however the site tells me in the middle of the process that i need to go to the local DMV office.
I go back to my tent and call Derr to inform him. He gives me the phone number for the Florida Department of Safety and Motor Vehicles to see if there was a way i could get valid ID's.
There was. They would accept a marriage certificate and a passport as valid ID's.
I head to BK and relax there until 10PM, i call it a night early and head back to my camp. Sleeping was difficult with the splint. I woke up 5-6 times due to that and some late night work being done at the turnpike.
Wednesday morning me and Duane do our laundry together which saves me from riding there. In between he tells me that Herb (another homeless dude) who knows lawyers said that being married 11yrs with a marriage certificate i can go to immigration and legally stay here.
Well i'd have to consult a lawyer on that. I ride to the library and get here at 1:30PM.
I begin doing research to see if i could order a copy of my marriage certificate online and have it sent to an address where Derr has an office. Unfortunately, NYC doesn't do that online, it requires such a request to be done through mail. They require a valid ID to get it.
Boom, another dead end.
My plan now is to get to downtown miami where the peruvian consultate is located. I can get my passport, however from what i read at the website things can end in 2 ways. They either give me the passport the same day, or they will mail it to me in 4-6 weeks.
In either case, with the Passport i can get my marriage certificate. Then with both i can get my driver's license.
So, as you can see it's a massive juggle act which i think will continue to cost me money. At this rate i won't have enough to get a place. So yes, i'm worried.
Well, that's all for now.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Let there be light...nah! Let there be rain!
5pm Sunday, i come out of the library to see rain.

It's a downpour, wait 2 hours until it stops. I dry my bike's seat with napkins (always carry plenty of those for all sorts of emergencies) and ride toward BK.
God in his infinite wisdom decided that i must be tested... so as I'm half way the rain returns, with a vengeance.
I get to BK soaked. Ok, what can i do besides dry myself a bit with napkins and eat?
I continue reading "Trading in Danger" by Elizabeth Moon (i highly recommend the Vatta's War series). I talk and joke around with Mark and then he offers to hire me as a mover to help him when he moves, which is in a few weeks. He tells me he will pay me $100 for the day, i accept.
Usually i stay at BK until 10:30PM, but i left before 10PM and went to JC/Duane's camp and watched TV with them watching "Dexter". I will be watching that series when i get my own place.
Currently the song "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West is my favorite song, i heard a few remixes and theyre good.
I spoke with Marilu during the weekend, and i sent valentine e-cards to Shawna and Sudi (i thought her name was Susy based on what Marilu had told me) who is Craig's friend but is now one of my acquaintances. I also called Mary that day to say happy vday.
I'm trying to socialize and keep in touch with people as i expand my social circle slowly but surely.
Well, it's monday. It's a holiday so no library. I woke up, got dressed and stayed at BK until noon, then rode to McDonalds to use their wifi. Here i am still, it's 3:40PM.

Btw i watched "Spinning Boris" when i was at the library last time, i recommend the movie.
Oh yeah, on my way here i bought a thumb splint because now i think i sprained the ligaments around it. I've dealt with the pain and kept massaging the palm of my hand which reduced the pain considerably over a few days. However the splint should help a bit in getting me back in shape, i hope.

Ok, now that all my friends who have access to this blog are up-to-date with my exciting life, it's time to email some new friends. It's going to rain tonight so i want to be out of here by 6PM, it's 4:13PM now.
Enjoy the holiday and i hope you guys had a better weekend than i had =P

It's a downpour, wait 2 hours until it stops. I dry my bike's seat with napkins (always carry plenty of those for all sorts of emergencies) and ride toward BK.
God in his infinite wisdom decided that i must be tested... so as I'm half way the rain returns, with a vengeance.
I get to BK soaked. Ok, what can i do besides dry myself a bit with napkins and eat?
I continue reading "Trading in Danger" by Elizabeth Moon (i highly recommend the Vatta's War series). I talk and joke around with Mark and then he offers to hire me as a mover to help him when he moves, which is in a few weeks. He tells me he will pay me $100 for the day, i accept.
Usually i stay at BK until 10:30PM, but i left before 10PM and went to JC/Duane's camp and watched TV with them watching "Dexter". I will be watching that series when i get my own place.
Currently the song "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West is my favorite song, i heard a few remixes and theyre good.
I spoke with Marilu during the weekend, and i sent valentine e-cards to Shawna and Sudi (i thought her name was Susy based on what Marilu had told me) who is Craig's friend but is now one of my acquaintances. I also called Mary that day to say happy vday.
I'm trying to socialize and keep in touch with people as i expand my social circle slowly but surely.
Well, it's monday. It's a holiday so no library. I woke up, got dressed and stayed at BK until noon, then rode to McDonalds to use their wifi. Here i am still, it's 3:40PM.

Btw i watched "Spinning Boris" when i was at the library last time, i recommend the movie.
Oh yeah, on my way here i bought a thumb splint because now i think i sprained the ligaments around it. I've dealt with the pain and kept massaging the palm of my hand which reduced the pain considerably over a few days. However the splint should help a bit in getting me back in shape, i hope.

Ok, now that all my friends who have access to this blog are up-to-date with my exciting life, it's time to email some new friends. It's going to rain tonight so i want to be out of here by 6PM, it's 4:13PM now.
Enjoy the holiday and i hope you guys had a better weekend than i had =P
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Shields down captain!
Well, i will explain the post title in a moment.
Let me start by sharing that i can get my drivers license back. I found out recently that if i pay the 2003 ticket my wife never paid (which comes to $110 including late fees) and a $50 reinstatement fee i can get my license unsuspended and renewed.
Friday i had gone to the library looking for the address of a local traffic lawyer that Craig had recommended me. I got it and then remembered that i had 2 pages printout from the library from a few days ago with all the information about my ticket which i had left in my tent.
So on my way to the laywer i stop by my tent, get the paper and on my way out a guy on a bulldozer asks me if the tent is mine. I said it was, he then tells me that i should move it because they were going to clear that side of the field. Apparently the storage building that was built across the street was only a part of the site and not the whole.
I had seen some trees down behind office depot and i thought that they may build it over there, but i was mistaken.
In record time (i think), which was about 20 minutes; i put everything on my 2 wheeled carrier, including most of the tent. I say most of it because some of the sticks were stuck to eachother due to rust and i could not separate them thus take them with me.
Ok, so here i am...with all my stuff and no idea here to go. Here are some images of the grass field, heavy machinery which is taking down trees and my stuff all packed up.

Yeah I look as bad as i felt.

That is the building which i thought was the whole Storage facility.

Ok here they are, about 20 feet away from my tent, and they're tearing through trees moving towards my camp.

My collapsed tent.

My semi loaded carrier (which is about 10 minutes into my rushed move).

The milk crates which mostly made up my bed and also served as storage bins.

Well, it's like one of those sci-fi movies when you hear "Shields down captain" and you know the ship is vulnerable and at that moment either it gets hit or by some miracle the shields are restored. That moment which lasts a few seconds in a movie, lasted for hours that day.
Derr called, but he couldn't do much from New York (and later on i found out he was sick which is why he is taking so long to get back).
I had spoken with JC a few days ago and he had told me Duane had relapsed, quit his job and gone back to drinkng. My plan was to hire the traffic lawyer friday and then talk to him Sat to get off the booze.
I didn't make any money this week, that and my hand it still a bit swollen.
Ok, so added up. A bad week; but hey i'm adapting and surprisingly (even to myself) cool as ice, not worried, just adapting and thinking clearly.
I go to Duane's to ask him if he can show me where RJ's old camp is and that i intended to take it over since he dissapeared 3 months ago. At the same time i made clear my dissapointment on his relapse and he told he had stopped drinking that morning and was going through detox.
He decided to try again, thank god.
So, he shows me the camp and man... RJ was paranoid. He didn't clear a path to his camp because he thought people would steal from him the second they saw his tent, you had to crawl under a lot of dead branches to get to it. JC lend me a machete, a rake, a hand saw, a broom and plastic bags that friday to cut a path and clean up.
Here is the result of my efforts that afternoon:

Bunch of library books RJ stole, which i intend to return.

On my laptop inside RJ's old tent.

Sitting on my new bed (which btw stinks a bit).

My new front yard, i had to cut through a lot of dead branches to clear the path to the tent.

The entrance of the tent.

Yeah, i'm tired.

My carrier inside the tent.

Outside the tent, left side. JC had made the wooden bench for RJ, i decided to keep it. JC don't mind.

View of the turnpike from my new camp.

These are just some of the branches i cut.

I ha to carry a lot of carboard to get the front and back "yard" covered so that some of the decomposed stuff was out of sight.

The smaller tree next to the tent is perfect to lock up my bike.

The path into my camp from a nearby road. Maybe i did too good a job, the camp is visible. Note to self: camouflage the entrance to camp somehow.

Some of the RJ's crap i had to deal with, mostly garbage and old clothes.
Friday I stopped at 1:30AM working on my new camp, i had to deal with a bit of a smell and falling asleep wasn't easy. I had to read a chapter of the book i'm reading to help me get sleepy.
Saturday morning me and JC reset the tarp on top of the tent and set it up better to handle Monday's rain.
Afterwards i spent a bit of time in the library and then that night i spoke with Mary so invited me over. I took a shower and then helped her fold her kids clothes, it's the least i could do.
Worked a bit on the limo site while i was there. Slept good. Sunday morning she dropped me off and i went to BK for breakfast, then to the library and they're about to close so i gotta go!
To be continued...
Let me start by sharing that i can get my drivers license back. I found out recently that if i pay the 2003 ticket my wife never paid (which comes to $110 including late fees) and a $50 reinstatement fee i can get my license unsuspended and renewed.
Friday i had gone to the library looking for the address of a local traffic lawyer that Craig had recommended me. I got it and then remembered that i had 2 pages printout from the library from a few days ago with all the information about my ticket which i had left in my tent.
So on my way to the laywer i stop by my tent, get the paper and on my way out a guy on a bulldozer asks me if the tent is mine. I said it was, he then tells me that i should move it because they were going to clear that side of the field. Apparently the storage building that was built across the street was only a part of the site and not the whole.
I had seen some trees down behind office depot and i thought that they may build it over there, but i was mistaken.
In record time (i think), which was about 20 minutes; i put everything on my 2 wheeled carrier, including most of the tent. I say most of it because some of the sticks were stuck to eachother due to rust and i could not separate them thus take them with me.
Ok, so here i am...with all my stuff and no idea here to go. Here are some images of the grass field, heavy machinery which is taking down trees and my stuff all packed up.

Yeah I look as bad as i felt.

That is the building which i thought was the whole Storage facility.

Ok here they are, about 20 feet away from my tent, and they're tearing through trees moving towards my camp.

My collapsed tent.

My semi loaded carrier (which is about 10 minutes into my rushed move).

The milk crates which mostly made up my bed and also served as storage bins.

Well, it's like one of those sci-fi movies when you hear "Shields down captain" and you know the ship is vulnerable and at that moment either it gets hit or by some miracle the shields are restored. That moment which lasts a few seconds in a movie, lasted for hours that day.
Derr called, but he couldn't do much from New York (and later on i found out he was sick which is why he is taking so long to get back).
I had spoken with JC a few days ago and he had told me Duane had relapsed, quit his job and gone back to drinkng. My plan was to hire the traffic lawyer friday and then talk to him Sat to get off the booze.
I didn't make any money this week, that and my hand it still a bit swollen.
Ok, so added up. A bad week; but hey i'm adapting and surprisingly (even to myself) cool as ice, not worried, just adapting and thinking clearly.
I go to Duane's to ask him if he can show me where RJ's old camp is and that i intended to take it over since he dissapeared 3 months ago. At the same time i made clear my dissapointment on his relapse and he told he had stopped drinking that morning and was going through detox.
He decided to try again, thank god.
So, he shows me the camp and man... RJ was paranoid. He didn't clear a path to his camp because he thought people would steal from him the second they saw his tent, you had to crawl under a lot of dead branches to get to it. JC lend me a machete, a rake, a hand saw, a broom and plastic bags that friday to cut a path and clean up.
Here is the result of my efforts that afternoon:

Bunch of library books RJ stole, which i intend to return.

On my laptop inside RJ's old tent.

Sitting on my new bed (which btw stinks a bit).

My new front yard, i had to cut through a lot of dead branches to clear the path to the tent.

The entrance of the tent.

Yeah, i'm tired.

My carrier inside the tent.

Outside the tent, left side. JC had made the wooden bench for RJ, i decided to keep it. JC don't mind.

View of the turnpike from my new camp.

These are just some of the branches i cut.

I ha to carry a lot of carboard to get the front and back "yard" covered so that some of the decomposed stuff was out of sight.

The smaller tree next to the tent is perfect to lock up my bike.

The path into my camp from a nearby road. Maybe i did too good a job, the camp is visible. Note to self: camouflage the entrance to camp somehow.

Some of the RJ's crap i had to deal with, mostly garbage and old clothes.
Friday I stopped at 1:30AM working on my new camp, i had to deal with a bit of a smell and falling asleep wasn't easy. I had to read a chapter of the book i'm reading to help me get sleepy.
Saturday morning me and JC reset the tarp on top of the tent and set it up better to handle Monday's rain.
Afterwards i spent a bit of time in the library and then that night i spoke with Mary so invited me over. I took a shower and then helped her fold her kids clothes, it's the least i could do.
Worked a bit on the limo site while i was there. Slept good. Sunday morning she dropped me off and i went to BK for breakfast, then to the library and they're about to close so i gotta go!
To be continued...
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