Friday, February 22, 2008

Plan B and Miami!

Yes my friends, plan B is in motion.

I left BK at 7:30AM and got back at 6PM. Long day would be an understatement.

The short story:

Breakfast at BK.
Ride to Tri Rail Station, ride on train to Miami Airport with bike.
Ride on bike and get lost after crossing a bridge, turn around and realized i just went 14 miles the wrong way (ouch).
Arrived at the Peruvian Consulate at noon.
30 minutes just translating spanish to english in my head so i fill the proper forms to get the DNI and Passport.
Paperwork is filed and i'm told that it will be ready in 4-6 weeks and to check their website since i'm supposed to pick it up.
I pay the related fees and my head becomes a calculator and i've spent about $250 this week and i haven't made a cent since Derr left.
Concern begins to set in as i'm leaving the building.
Got lost again on the way back to Tri-Rail Sation, wasted more time.
Found a Metro Station that does connect with Tri-Rail in 2 stops. I take that route since i really don't want to remain in the area (which was a bit seedy).

Ok that was the short story. I did take pics.

It was good graffitti so i had to take some pics, unfortunately it seems i didn't step back far enough, there was more to it.

This is the peruvian flag at the building where the consulate is located.

Miami, yup.

Here is wafter i realized that i had gone the wrong way. The pics are from the bridge i had to ride, twice over.

Here i'm smiling because i thought i was going the right way (on the bridge) thinking i was making good time.

Well at least the pics i took from the bridge was nice. Now if i'm lucky i'll have my driver's license in a bit over a month.

Here is the equation.

Passport = Marriage Certificate.
Marriage Certificate + Passport = Driver's License and City ID.

It's a process, but it works. Today I'm at the library and Duane finds me and i get a book for him (he doesn't have a library card). I check my emails and reply to some, and just archive most as usual. At 2PM they announce the movie "Dreamgirls" is going to be shown  at the meeting room and we both decide to see it. It was a good movie, Duane didn't like it because there was too much singing.

It was a musical, i make no comment, he's my friend.

I shaved my goatee today, no really, i did.

Hopefully i don't look too bad. Someone said earlier today if i shaved it i would look younger, i disagreed so i want to make my point next time i see her.

That's all for today guys. Have a great weekend and don't get in trouble, any of you =P

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