Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Latino in me

Ok, I will fess up to something pretty big for me. I've been watching a mexican soap opera. There it is, I've fallen for most cliche part of being a latino. The acting is fine, considering that like in every spanish soap opera ever made, everything is a big deal from the color of the curtains which can lead to an assassination of an interior decorator (trust me, this CAN happen) to a married guy cheating on his mistress with his wife. Yeah, that last part is true in another soap opera I've been caught in.

"Al Diablo con los Guapos" which translates to "To Hell with the Handsome (men)" has the cheating husband. But the other one is "Fuego en la Sangre" which translates to "Fire in the Blood". The latter has a very nice theme to it, to the point that I downloaded the MP3.

Here it is.

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That's all for today.

PS: The name of the song is "Para Siempre", it means "Forever".

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