Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Evil, good and Henry V

It was an interesting weekend. For i have been reading "From the Corner of his Eye" and read about evil to deep and disturbing that every horror movie i've seen in my life combined could not compared to the persona of Junior Cain, the villan of the book.

However the book also does brings within the sense of hope and love of several characters that remind me of the goodness of my grandmother.

Here is how my past few days have gone.

I tried to get in touch with Derr friday night with no luck, same for saturday. He was busy, which is ok by me. I ended up most of the day at the library.

Watched East is East, an english comedy about a muslim family in the 1970's.

The movie was interesting, it was also dramatic and touching.

Sunday morning i went to BK and continued reading the book, it was getting better. 

At noon i was at the library and was keeping myself occupied as i waited for the security guard.

He was supposed to show up at 3PM to buy my first laptop.

I had told Derr i was going to help someone with their computer, which is true since i had to make sure everything works fine with the laptop before the old man takes it.

He was there a bit after three and i showed him how i had gotten it to detect the library's network and installed a few things like iTunes and such. He paid the $250 which pretty much just covers the expenses from me getting my passport and paying my traffic ticked and driver's license reinstatment fee.

I'm still $500 in the red because of the new laptop, but i intend on working my way up and out of the tent.

So after he left i saw the movie Shower which is a chinese movies after 2 brothers and a father, with the older brother having moved on to the city while his mentally challenged younger brother and father run the family's bath house. It was a good film, well told and acted. I recommend it, i saw it subtitled of course, that is how i watch foreign films.

The library has a nice collection of DVD movies.

Monday i worked with Derr but due to 2 sheriffs who had become aware of my subtle solicitations of new arrivals at the airport, i had to retreat back into the limo.

No fares, no groups. We left the airport. I stayed with Derr as he handled some deal with another businessman who owns 4 sedans who apparently is in need of the stretch limo he has.

Looks like they will join forces, stretch limo work will go to Derr and sedan limo work to the other guy. Also he will provide Derr a place to park the limo.

Both recently started in the business so i guess helping eachother seems to be fair trade, for now.

Derr dropped me off at BK at 5PM, gave me $25 even though we didn't make any money that day, he's a good man, i'll stick with him as much as i can because the man is helping me.

I then rode to the library and watched Wrath of Khan (Director's Cut) which i've seen before but was curious as to how this version would be.

I didn't see much of a difference, but i did enjoy the more recent interviews with the cast, specially with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. To me this ST movie is the best one ever made.

He was supposed to pick me up last night and drop me off at one of his condos so i could sleep there and paint some of the place today. He fell asleep and forgot, then got tied up today with business.

Like Biggie said "more money, more problems". So he tells me he will call when he can. By luck i meet his wife and their little daughter Jessica at the McDonalds with wifi at arond 2PM and i talk to her a bit.

My laptop battery dies and i go back to the library to recharge and watch a movie, Henry V with Laurence Olivier. It's hard to comprehend all the dialogue, but enough to appreciate Shakespeare's genius in one of his most known works. The movie is from 1944 so the visuals are not great compared to today's standards but it still holds up as a classic.

Well, that is all for today.

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