Sunday, May 18, 2008

Helping friends, home made food and... swimming? oh noes!

I helped Ray and Maritza by running their garage sale, thanks to the signs which Duayne bought we got people to notice us more and made them a bit over $50. They really need the money, and I was happy to help. What else was I doing between 9AM-2PM? I would've been watching tv or online doing nothing anyways, may as well help those in need.

The surprise was that they grilled and me and Duayne got home made food again! You'll see in the video.

Ok, as some of you know I don't know how to swim. Yes, I was brought up in the peruvian coast, and I've been in Florida for 8 years. However I only been to the beach twice in the years I'm here so I didn't see a need for it. Now with a pool in the backyard, today I decided to face my fear of drowning and learn how to swim. With some tips from Ray and Duayne (and Maritza laughing her ass off when she found out I didn't know how to swim) I've begun my self-taught lessons.

Good thing Ray had a spare set of goggles, 'cause me having my eyes open underwater is not the first thing I want to experience.

Here are the videos, no movie reviews today guys, I've been busy selling junk, eating good food and trying not to drown.

That's all for today.

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