Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No work, Pool Party and Travian?

Well there are a lot of things going on, and mostly bad, for me.

John didn't come back last Monday and stayed another week with his daughter. Which meant, no money. I can't stand by Home Depot holding a sign, because if Ray or Maritza see me doing it, they may freak out and ask me to leave. Sure the chances of that is low, but would you rent a room to someone holding a "Looking for Work" sign? I ain't taking that chance.

Today I sent him a text message, no answer. He owes me pay for 2 days work. I'm a bit worried.

Der seems to be staying in Florida, but he tells me that once I get my driver's license I can work for him again... uh, I can't and he knows it. So that door seems to be closing, yet I call him on occasion to keep in touch so he knows I really want to work for him again.

With all these things not working out currently, my bank account is going down like a hooker that spots a $100 bill on the street.

I switched to Metro PCS, no more worries about minutes or people hearing me say "yeahoktalktoyoulater" to save minutes.

Meanwhile I'm trying to help Ray and Martiza sell stuff on craigslist (and sell some stuff myself). Little luck.

So my plan which I can't reveal fully in this blog because it may incriminate me, is to get a regular job on the books. Yes, technically it shouldn't be possible, however, it's a matter of numbers if you know what I mean.

Coincidentally, I will be buying a printer/scanner. All I need is to get a stable job for a few months so I can get a divorce and then try to rebuild myself legally (somehow) so I can stay in the country I now call home. Hell I've been here 20 years, there has to be a way for me to be here legitimately after all this time.

Ok, so Ray and Maritza had another Pool party last Sunday. I socialized a bit, but I got to say that it was extremely difficult to relate to the people who were there. All Latinos, speaking Spanish and I just could not fit in. Spanish music, no problem. But the conversation were just about things which I could not understand. I tried to get it, and couldn't. Most of the time I've been in the states I rarely dealt with Latinos.

This is frustrating and embarrassing for me on a personal level, that I, a Peruvian can't fit in with a group of southamericans!

My plan to eventually hook up with a Latina seems to be out the window.

All that aside. I'm still playing Travian and now I play PKR more often which is a virtual 3D multiplayer poker game that I played for free before I left my wife. Playing Poker Texas Hold 'em. Those who want to join me in Travian, sorry but Server 6 is full and that is the one I play in, you can catch me in PKR as "Windguaerd".

I'm trying to stay positive and get my new plan in effect, if all goes well within a week I should be filling applications at a few places.

If anyone has any decent spare parts to build a PC so I can rejoin my friends in LOTRO, let me know.

That's all for today.

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