More drama...of course, add another female into the mix, and you have a pretty good chance that voices will be raised, and it won't be male voices, heh.
The good thing is that for the first time in my life I went to Cici's for dinner and it was a fun time to spend with the kids. I was actually offered the choice of going or staying home as always. Well, since I don't see the outside world much I said yes, of course.
Yesterday was a tough day to handle, it was the anniversaty of the day her father was taken to the hospital where he later on passed away. I tried to show some affection, I'm not heartless...but was told to stay away and I did.
Tomorrow there are plans to go out to a Buffet which the family goes to once a month, and when my wife is in a good mood, actually asks me if I want to go. My nephew loves the place, and I enjoy my time there with the kids a lot...and they got sushi, closest thing to ceviche =D
Nina's plan was to drop the invite to Joyce at the last possible minute, she is holding grudges left and right on her...from not doing a load of towels, to not cooking, and drinking with friends (she is an alcoholic and is not supposed to drink).
Sometimes I find it amusing, the whole figthing among themselves over such minor things which can easily be worked out. I'm well trained, once the explosions go off...I run for cover, right into the bedroom, my castle, where my puter and my cat keep me company.
I guess I haven't talked much about Rosie. My baby, my little furry daughter. I had a cat years ago in my early 20's, was a white and orange cat say the least, I did not treat properly.
Never in a thousand years I would have imagined I would have another cat, or that I would be to emotionally attached to her.
So I present: Rosie!
That's all for today.
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