Saturday, November 24, 2007

Recap (Day 16)

2:30AM i'm reading a book, "The stupidest Angel" also by Moore.

4:30AM, Paul is not here, I call him from a pay phone. He says he is behind and will be there at 5:30.

He shows up and drops me at Palmetto and State Road 7, with 30 papers.

Deal is, up to 45 papers free, whatever i get is mine. Over 45 we split it.

From 6AM to 9:30AM i make $10 selling papers.

He picks me up and drops me off at the gas station.

I go see Dwayne and talk a bit, it's nice to be able to hang with someone.

I'm tired and falling asleep, so i don't stay long. I go home and fall asleep.

Wake up around 2:30PM, go to Burger King, order a meal since i wanted to treat myself. I stay there until 4:30PM reading a book.

I take a new homeles sign i made back to the corner near the turnpike and work it until 6PM.

Made enough for another day.

I buy a gallon of water, yet somehow i lost my flashlight. Bleh!

I'm starting to make friends with some kids at Dunkin Donuts, i'm getting free Boston Creme donuts, my favorite.

Some nights i feel very much alone, but i've been trying to push the feeling aside by talking to god sometimes or listening to my little radio.

It's been harder to sleep in the past few days.

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