Sunday, November 18, 2007

Recap (Day 8)

I woke up early, with a plan.

Dwayne had told me a days ago that my driver's license may not have been revoked, but suspended instead.

So, i bought an all-day bus pass and headed to the DMV office closest to me.

It took a while to get there. The visit was short, my outdated city I.D. and my expired work permit closed the door practically.

It was a long shot.

Next to the DMV was a Salvation Army thrift shop, so i got a pair of jeans since the other thrift shop didn't have them (i got a 25% homeless discount!).

I then traveled to another thrift shop and got a nice backpack, i mentioned being homeless and the nice lady reduced the price from $5 to $4, every buck counts.

By the time I got back, the sun was going down.

That night i watched "Blackbeard" the mini-series on DVD at the camp with the guys. It was enjoyable.

That night i already knew what i was going to do the next day. I had met a haitian at the bus stop and i mentioned that i was looking for work and he told me about 2 places near me that may hire me for cash.

I slept most of the night.

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