Sunday, April 13, 2008

Almost, but not yet

Eric showed the room and it was nice. Master Bedroom, nice bathroom, walk-in closet, nice living room and kitchen which we would've shared had the rent been $500 instead of $700.

Oh well, I had a taste of what I could have down the road. He told me about himself, and I told him about myself except the part of being currently homeless, I didn't think I could trust him to that point yet.

Ok, so he drove me back to the library, then had just enough time to clean up (got to stay clean, specially after sweating all day yesterday helping Mark).

Ok, so I'm at DD right now, and I just finished watching Kolya, so here is the review.

I misunderstood the premise of the film, thinking it was a drama/romance. Instead it's more of a drama with bits of comedy and hints of romance. This Czech film delivers a great story. A fallen musician who is also a very promiscuous bachelor makes a deal to marry a young russian for cash he needs to buy a car and repair the gutters of his mother's house. His dislike for children is obvious and a series of events leads to him having to take care of his bride's 5 year old son. It's a touching and funny story as you see how the child affects the musician's feelings about kids. My eyes were tearing at the end, so I will say this... I highly recommend this one, a must-see.

For the past week I've been watching Red Dwarf series 1, 3 and 4 (I guess that is how the english named seasons of a show). The library doesn't have series 2 unfortunately. Ok, the premise of the show is insane, but genius. Lister, one of the lowest and most immature and lazy members of the mining starship Red Dwarf survives a radiation leak after being on suspense animation for millions of years he wakes up to see his immediate superior in hologram version who he loved to hate. His cat Frankenstein spawned a new species over the millions of years ending with a feline life form known as "cat" in the show with... peculiar behavior. Add to that Holly the computer which has a high IQ yet gets them in trouble on occasion. This sitcom (from the wiki I read) now has a worldwide cult following and I can easily understand why. The show is funny, mind you it was made in the mid 80's and the comedy still works today.

I will be hunting down the rest of the series when I have time (there is a total of 8 series).

Ok I'm at DD and they're closing in less than an hour so I got to go soon, I hope you guys had a good weekend.

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