Friday, April 25, 2008

Work & Paradise

Hello guys, sorry I haven't blogged much this week. But, I've been busy working with my boss John (the contractor) putting down tiles in an apartment near the beach. He picks me up from the gas station across the BK I frequent.

I ride 20 minutes from home to BK, eat breakfast, lock my bike and then walk across to the gas station where he picks me up at 8:30AM every weekday.

John is a 52 year old white dude who is one of the nicest guys I've met in my life. When he hired me I didn't tell him I was homeless, now all he knows is that I recently moved. I may tell him I lived in a tent after a few months of working with him, just to be safe.

Ok, here are a few pictures of my new home.

The right side of the house, where the main entrance is.

The left side of the house, where the 2 car garage is located.

Backyard and Pool area, left side.

Backyard and Pool area, right side.

Kitchen and eating area.

This is where Maritza (my landlady) and Ray (her son) eat. Well I eat here too sometimes.

Another table near the kitchen, I don't sit here, looks too nice, heh.

Washer and Dryer in the garage.

As you can see, a nice place to live. I didn't have time to take a photos of the living room, bathroom or my room. I'm trying to buy a used digital camera from craigslist so I can post better photos.

I gotta say, that I love taking hot showers every day, oh god, I'm truly in paradise!

I'll also try to post photos (if John allows it) to show you the tile work I've been doing, like Jhon says every single day "Gorgeous, simply gorgeous!".

I'm trying to find a part time job for the weekends so I can save some money for a divorce lawyer.

Dar is going to give me more work once the business picks up more, his limo went on fire a few days ago and he's in a bit of a of a rough spot, the man can't get a break it seems.

I haven't watched movies since I moved in here, but soon I will so expect reviews this weekend.

ACK! almost time to go to work!

Take care guys!


Anonymous said...

Great to see you getting your place Obelix!!! (Luis)

Keep up your pursuit of personal happiness, the people who know you from TDH are still behind you!

Luis said...

Thanks Evan, it means a lot to me bro!