Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 27

Woke up at 6:30AM, got dresses and went to BK for breakfast. There i asked 2 local gents about where to get a PO Box. I was told to check Pak-n-Ship store and the Post Office nearby (which i didn't know was so close to me).

Both places were a bust, minimum 6 month contract, which comes to $150 or more, not worth it for the month's use (since i will be leaving in january).

I may have to spend $80 for a universal power adapter, bleh!

Worked the turnpike corner from 10:30AM to 5:30PM. oh yeah, i bought a red and white santa hat to see if it would increase the cash flow, it didn't.

I won't wear it again until xmas week.

Went to BK, spent a bit more since i got a small strawberry milkshake, love that flavor.

Got to the library at about 6:30PM, checked my inbox, nothing. I'm giving up on finding a normal job on craig's list. Maybe i will have better luck in Edmonton.

I'm gonna read the book for a while ('til 9PM), then head home, listen to the radio until about 10-11PM and then go to sleep.

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