Friday, December 21, 2007

Day 44

Woke up at 7:30AM, was at BK at 7:45 until a bit before 10AM.

Got to the turnpike and all was going pretty good for 30 mins, in that time i had made $10 and i was happy.

Of course the lord wanted to remind me, that this is really not meant to be my lifestyle. So what did the good lord do to get his point across?

He sends a big old nasty trooper to kick me off the corner.

I got so scared of going back to the turnpike corner because i didn't want to get arrested that i moved to the Glades corner. I signed there a while and didn't make a cent.

Got on my bike and decided to ride to Lyons and try my luck there. Was there 30 minutes and i got the same result (which explained why all 4 corners of the intersection had no homeless signing).

I got back on my bike, rode to the library, dropped off 2 books i finished reading (oh yeah Dwayne was happy i got him the book last night). I moved down to the Glades corner off State Road 7.

Frank was there (he is always there it seems) and i knew i wouldn't make much with him at the best corner. I wasn't very keen on going on either of State Road 7's meridians. Knowing that the preacher would show up soon for food, i joined a group of homeless (most which i knew) who were also waiting for the same reason behind a dumpster wall.

The preacher showed up at 12:45PM, with trays of food for everyone. It was good to eat lunch, it made me feel a bit better.

A bit after 1PM i went to the Glades corner and signed until 3PM and made $4. I tried signing at one of the other corners for 30 mins and made $2. I then went back to Frank's corner and ended up bribing him with $1 (2 newspapers he wanted to sell before leaving).

I signed until 4PM, the flow of cash had been slow, but better after Frank left. I made around 30 bucks today. Decided not to go to the bank, and went straight for the library since they close earlier today.

Well. God made a clear point, this signing is not for me. I don't like having to look behind my back for a trooper or sheriff, or the uncertain feeling of not knowing if i will make at least enough money to eat today or to put anything towards my Canadian dream.

I try to breathe deep, relax and allow myself to go with the flow. I've been thinking about continuing my life story in this blog, but haven't had much time to put my memories together. Some of my late 20's and early 30's seem like a blur sometimes.

However writting about the mistakes i made in my relationships with women and my family may allow me to remind myself not to repeat them. There are things a man won't like to admit to himself, much less on a public blog. However i feel that so far it has helped me grow a great deal as a human being and as a man.

Maybe in January when i'm no longer signing i will do it. Yeah, maybe.

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