Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Recap (Day 45)

Woke up early Saturday morning, ate breakfast (i'm sure you can guess where) and signed from 9:30AM to 1PM at the turnpike, then moved to the Glades corner until about 3PM.

From there i rode straight to the library. Stayed there until their closed at 5PM reading.

I didn't know what else to do besides going back to BK. I locked up my bike at BK then walked to Dunkin Donuts to get some freebies when i find Timmy is back in town, he came back a month after he left with his friend Rico.

We spoke a while and discussed Sheri's death (a homeless woman we knew who passed away a few days ago in a car accident, she walked into traffic drunk).

His tent is not far from mine, Timmy is the classic "hippie" if you can imagine. Peace, Love, Grateful Dead fan, guitarist and all around nice guy.

He even treated me to some donuts since he had a $5 gift card from the place. Got me 2 boston creme donuts (yeah, love those).

Afterwards we went to BK and talked a bit before he left. I stayed at BK reading until a bit after 10PM.

Went home, read some more then went to sleep around 11PM.

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