Monday, January 14, 2008


Surprise surprise! I'm staying in the states! until winter is over in Canada.

For weeks my homeless brethen have been telling me that it was suicide to go now, and it finally sinked in, that and finding work, and my friend Shawna in Cali. It was a mix of things that made me decide that.

Well, i had a good weekend. I worked, i was fed, i was happy. Yesterday i actually got to use Ventrilo (thanks to my laptop and McDonalds' free wi-fi) and spoke to Acheron, Natalya and Bluezippers, my guild mates from Lord of the Rings online. It was great to hear their voices and... they miss me! i can't wait to rejoin the fun in lotro with old and new faces.

Today i got a pay-as-you-go AT&T phone. So now, i'm good for work since they can call me. And today i was off so i did my laundry, cleaned up at the library (you know how that goes) and finished my 2nd disposable camera and had the roll developed so you know what's coming next...


This batch is from January so now i got my head shaved and a nice goatee, i look human again! yay!

Outside the library.

Hello there!

Cool dog outside the library, i had to take a pic!

On my way to the library.

My and my tattoo.

It's been so long since i wore shorts that you can see the difference in skin color!

My buddy Frank, selling his newspapers.

My favorite place in the world.

Yes, i love the library!

Big entrance, fits me well.

Me holding the Tanning Salon sign, the one i dance next to.

My place of work, they love me there.

The corner where i usually look for work near a Home Depot.


Yeah, I'm flying with my bandana.

My "Looking for Work" sign at my spot.

Hey hey! in front of BK.

Smiling at the sun.

Time to put some shades on!

Shades and a bandana, and yes i love to smile.

Ok, 'til next time my friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its really good to see you doing well and smiling buddy.