Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Recaps! (Days 53-57)

Ok, waay behind on posting.

Day 53

Saturday was an ok day, i was looking forward to end my signing days. I learned also that it's called by other homeless as "flying" instead of signing.

Same morning routine, signed at the turnpike for part of the morning, then moved to 441 & Glades to finish at around 3PM. I then headed to the library and stayed until closing which was 6PM.

BK until 10PM reading and then to the fireworks tent in the Office Depot parking lot to hang out with JC and Hobo. JC stays in the tent at night as a deterrent for anyone to steal until morning, a dog barking certainly would keep any thief at bay.

He's been working for the same lady for a few years. He talked about his life, when he used to be a driver for a moving company, the crazy people he met, the lazy workers that he had to deal with, etc.

At about 11:30PM i went home. I stayed up a bit late reading my book, i think i went to sleep at 3AM.

Day 54

Sunday... get this, i thought it was Monday. And i didn't realize until the night. So instead of taking the day off and relaxing, i pretty much repeated Saturday's routine. Then at night when i get to BK i see my salad with a Sunday label and I'm like "why do i get yesterday's salad?" and then Marc says "dude, today is sunday".

I check with my watch, and i'm surprised. Well, there goes my sunday. Stayed until 10PM, went to see JC and Hobo again at the fireworks tent and noticed that he was somewhat repeating some of his stories from yesterday.

I didn't say nothing, just kept talking with him, he is elderly and pointing out he was repeating some of his old stories may have hurt his feelings. He and Dwayne has helped me out, listening to a few stories again does me no harm.

Went home at 11PM and went to sleep.

Day 55

Monday was my last day of signing. I got up early, ate breakfast at BK and was at the turnpike corner at 9:30AM. By noon i had made $10... that pretty much was it for me. I went to JC's camp, shaved some of my beard with my small electric beard shaver. Then headed to the library with a change of clothes and towels to clean up and finish up shaving.

I was clean and i had shaved my moustache and ended up with a goatee. Dwayne had told me a few weeks back about a barber shop next to the local Starbucks. I thought i knew where it was yet i could not find the barber shop. I see Dwayne at the Mobil gas station an hour an a half later by luck and asked him where it was. Apparently, there are 2 local Starbucks and i went to the wrong one.

I thanked him and rode to the place. I get there and i'm told "we're booked" and the guy shows me the door. Very rude.

Between Pauly and Andy's directions i find the local upercuts. The wait was 30 minutes and the all-female staff was friendly. Stacey was the woman who took care of me, and the task was simple: take all my hair off. In a month it would be long enough to travel north, i just wanted to get it all off, heh.

Haircut: $14

Tip: $2

Being treated like like a normal person: Priceless

I ended up spending my new year's eve eating at BK and then talking to JC at his camp until 11PM.

Midnight was very loud, i listened to music and read one of my SW books until 4AM, then i slept.
Day 56

Tuesday, new year's day. I don't miss signing one bit. I'm happy to not having to stand at any corner holding a sign panhandling. I decided to take off the rest of the week and relax. I have enough cash to eat this week.

Breakfast at BK as usual, except this time I stayed there all day since the library was closed. I read "Star Wars - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction" from cover to cover. At 10PM i left BK and went home.

Started reading "Star Wars - Darth Bane: The Rule of Two" which was the sequel to the other book i had finished. I must have been reading until midnight. Pauly and others told me it would get cold tonight but i thought i was prepared. I woke up at 4AM, cold. It was very windy, my tent was flapping a bit, good thing i had secured the green tarp on top of it.

I took the blanket that Dwayne had given me a while ago and made good use of it, then grabbed my Mongoose beanie cap i had brought from my old residence. I thought i'd be using it in Canada, not for a cold night in florida, heh.

Day 57

I woke up a few times, then realized at 7:30AM that it would be best to get it over with, get dressed, double layer of long sleeve and short sleeve shirts, a winter jacket (without sleeves), my beanie cap, leather gloves (from the winter coat i had been given not long ago) and rode to BK for breakfast. The mexican guy who wants to go with me to Canada was there and we spoke a bit more about the trip until a co-worker called him, we have plenty of time to work out the details. I stayed there until 10AM, then rode to the library.

Much warmer here, yup yup. I'm 3/4 done with the book, may even finish it today. Checked some forums, posted here and there.

Starting next week i will be holding a sign at the local Home Depot that says "Looking for Work". If i get picked up at least 3 times a week it will be enough to cover my food expenses.

I'm going to just relax for the rest of the week, enjoying the library's and BK's comfortable athmosphere. I have a good feeling about 2008.

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